Friday, June 25, 2010

Things NOT to do before a Cruise

Instead of booking a cruise to nowhere to test my sea sickness tolerance, I booked a cruise to New Brunswick, Canada (also known as nowhere *cymbal crash*).

However, here's a cautionary tale of what not to do before embarking:
1. Drink large, copious amounts of alcohol
2. Do shots
3. Stay out till 4am the night before leaving
4. Eat food once you get home and pass out at 5am
5. think that you might be able to go to brunch at noon
6. think that you might be able to walk upright before noon
7. believe that alcohol doesn't exacerbate sea sickness
8. attempt to drive a car after all of this
9. attempt to walk through a terminal carrying a large bag
10. tell your friend she's "running" even though she's walking normally through the terminal