Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Team Conan!

Ok seriously...who watches Jay Leno?
I would at times, tune in to see the guest he had on, but when it came to the monologue and opening, I'd have to go with letterman and his top ten. Maybe it's because I'm a New Yorker or because Leno is a caricature of a person, but I found his show kind of generic, corny and progressively staler as the nights went by.

Dave also has his issues - sometimes he gets very cantankerous or talks to Paul too much...when Conan moved to the Tonight Show, I was thrilled. I didn't have to choose between him or Craig Ferguson (i would mostly pick Craig).

I'll give it to Jay though, Jaywalking was always hysterical. It instilled a healthy fear of the stupidity that is apparently running rampant on the streets of LA. What could possibly be wrong with those people? Too much sun?

Conan wasn't great in the beginning. He was really awkward, immature and downright offensive at times, but after all those years, he was becoming a real late-night guy. Someone creative, self-deprecating and inquisitive - and we're just talking about his hair...

I also like the fact he graduated from Harvard and became a sketch comedian (my fave eps was when jenn gardner yelled at him for using a word incorrectly and he found a dictionary proving her wrong).

I don't think NBC is giving him a fair shake. 7-months in a time slot, 2-3 months of which was taken up with Jay right before him is not a fair shake. If your own network has no confidence in you, then how are other people who aren't familiar with your show supposed to give you a chance?