Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blogging for dummies

In honor of theslowginfizz, here's a list of reasons for blogging:

1) so my friends don't have to listen to me rant
2) because i have a lot of issues with the last harry potter movie
3) i need to fill the time between tweeting and facebook with something
4) some people don't have twitter or facebook (shudders)
5) my memory is really bad so i need to write stuff down
6) forced introspection is better than no introspection
7) people can now tell me something about myself non-face-to-face
8) sometimes i have feelings
9) the opportunity to live-blog an event
10) the social media gods told me i had to


Teddy said...

yay! welcome to the blogosphere!

Jian said...

thnx teddy!