Friday, July 24, 2009

Walter Cronkite (Nov 4, 1916 – July 17, 2009)

Although he was before my time and some kids these days (anyone younger than me is deemed 'kids these days') don't even know who he was. He was a journalist and an anchorman, but that isn't all he was to this country. When I think of Walter Cronkite, I think about the man who told the nation that JFK was shot...or that we landed on the moon...or that Nixon was a liar. He covered Vietnam, the Nuremberg trials and interviewed the Beatles for their first US appearance.

Being known as "the most trusted man in America" is an impressive feat for a news media figure - think about everyone on television today. I can't get through a single news cast with one person, let alone tune in every night and expect intelligence and integrity to shine through the broadcast.

Like I said, he was not my era...but his loss is definitely felt among his peers and all us viewers. Modern news might be faster and multi-faceted, but that increase has decreased some of the other parts - like standard of quality and ethical reporting. Andy Rooney (no one rants better than he does) spoke at the funeral today and I was moved to tears by his good-bye. RIP~